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Company Information

OneFamily is a trading name of Family Assurance Friendly Society Limited (the Society) and is a mutual organisation. This means that we are owned by, and run for the benefit of, our members.

OneFamily is committed to high standards of corporate governance.  As a member of the Association of Financial Mutuals (AFM), we follow the principles of the AFM Corporate Governance Code for Mutual Insurers (‘the Code’) whilst adopting best practice in the relevant provisions of the 2018 UK Corporate Governance Code.  Information is provided on this website that members may want to know about how the Society’s governance arrangements.

You can view our Board of Directors.

Annual Report and Financial Statements

Our annual report and financial statements document for is made available to members prior to the AGM each year.

You can find our historic annual report and financial statements, as well as information about how we manage our funds.

Annual General Meeting

Each year the Society holds an Annual General Meeting (AGM). We encourage members to attend in person or vote online or by proxy if they are unable to attend.

Before each AGM we will place a notice in a national newspaper. We also send a Notice of AGM to all members who have opted in to receive details of the meeting. The Notice is also published on this website so all members have access to it.

Please contact us if you wish to opt in to receive notice of the AGM and voting information by post or by email. For more information please visit our AGM page.

Member Relations

OneFamily believes it is important for members of the Board to hear and understand members' views and opinions so they can understand the issues that affect the running of the Society. Directors take an active interest in reviewing members’ complaints, the outcome of member surveys, the performance of products and the management of OneFamily. We encourage members to talk to us, and invite you to take an active interest in the governance of your Society.

You can contact our Member Relations Team by email at [email protected] or write to us at the address at the bottom of this page. As a general rule we will reply to queries in writing, so please ensure you give us your full name and details of your address or a policy number so we can reply to you.

The Member Relations Team cannot answer policy-specific questions so if your query is about the policy you hold with us, please contact our Customer Services Team.

Board Diversity Policy

OneFamily recognises the benefits of having a diverse Board and our policy is to ensure that the Board has an appropriate breadth of experience and diversity in its different forms.

In identifying suitable candidates for appointment to the Board, the Nominations Sub-Committee will consider candidates against objective criteria, including taking into account the benefits of all aspects of diversity, in order to maintain an appropriate range and balance of skills, experience and backgrounds on the Board.

The Nominations Sub-Committee also reviews Board succession planning, including whether directors’ skills and experience continue to meet the needs of the Board and reviews whether non-executive directors continue to be independent.

The annual performance evaluation of the effectiveness of the Board, sub-committees and individual directors includes consideration of the balance of relevant skills, experience, independence and knowledge on the Board, and the diversity of representation.

For more information, please read OneFamily's Board Diversity Policy (PDF)

Conflicts of Interest Policy

For more information, please read our Conflicts of Interest Policy document.

Shareholder Rights Directive II (SRD II)

The Shareholder Rights Directive II (SRD II) is a European Union (EU) Directive which came into force on 10 June 2019. The FCA transposed the requirements of SRD II into its rules with effect from the implementation date. One of the aims of the Directive is to promote effective stewardship and long-term investment decision making amongst regulated financial services firms. As a responsible investor, OneFamily is committed to ensuring good practises for our underlying investments and the external asset managers we appoint. We believe the consideration of relevant environmental, social and governance (ESG) are important and therefore seek to integrate ESG considerations in our investment process.

We delegate management of our assets externally to State Street Global Advisors (SSGA) and Invesco, we are not involved ourselves with undertaking stewardship activity on a day-to-day basis and so do not have direct engagement with companies held within the portfolios managed by these third parties. We expect our investment managers to be signatories to the UK Stewardship Code. We monitor the stewardship activities of our investment managers through regular meetings and reporting to ensure our asset managers meet the requirements of OneFamily in respect of its obligations under the Shareholder Rights Directive (Asset Managers and Insurers) Instrument 2019.

OneFamily takes its stewardship responsibilities very seriously, in line with its mutual status and its primary obligation to look after members’ interests.

Our engagement policies and annual disclosures for Family Assurance Friendly Society Limited and Family Investments Management Limited are available below:

Our engagement policies and annual disclosures for Family Assurance Friendly Society Limited and Family Asset Management Limited are available below:

Family Assurance Friendly Society Limited

Family Investments Management Limited

You can view our tax strategy online

Rules of the Society

Members of the Society have rights and obligations. These rights and obligations can be found in this document.

Rules of the Society

Tax Exempt Policy Tables (rules)

Gender pay report

You can find OneFamily's gender pay reports below.

2024  2023  2022  2021  2020  2019  2018

Information requests

All documents mentioned here can be viewed and printed. Alternatively, you can email us at [email protected] or write to The Secretary, OneFamily, 16-17 West Street, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 2RL, to request printed copies of any of the documents.


For our complaints data and full information about our complaints procedure, please visit our complaints page