Mental health support
Every year around one in four people in the UK will experience a mental health issue.
We know mental health concerns can sometimes make it difficult to deal with your money. If money worries are affecting your mental health or existing issues are making it difficult to manage your account, please get in touch.
We're also here to help if you'd like to contact us on behalf of someone who can't do so themselves.
Everything you tell us will be treated as confidential and it won't affect any products or services you have with us. All members of our customer services team have been given training in how to help people manage their accounts at times when they might be more vulnerable.
Please get in touch with us using the button below so we can work with you to find the best way to support you.

- If you have concerns about your, or someone else's physical health, please visit our physical illness and disability support page
- If you are worried about money, please take a look at our money worries page to find out what support we offer and for advice on where to go for help
Here are some charities that may be able to help
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Mind offers information and advice on things like diagnoses, treatment options and your legal rights. The charity also has peer support and an infoline, which can answer your questions about mental health problems and where to get help.
Visit Mind's website or call 0300 123 3393
Sane runs a mental health helpline with a team of trained and experienced volunteers. SaneLine can tell you about the mental health system and help you work out your best way forward if you're unsure. The charity also offers support over email and text message.
Visit Sane's website or call 0300 304 7000
More ways we can help
Worried about money and the cost-of-living?
Affected by sight or hearing loss?
Want to nominate someone else to manage your account for you?
Concerned you may be being financially abused?