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Making a will

Did you know that writing a will is the only way to say who benefits after your death?

You may not want to think about what will happen after you die and writing it down can be upsetting. However, a will allows you to set out what you want to happen to your assets and possessions when you are no longer here. It also allows you to nominate who will execute your wishes.

Doing this takes the stress away from your loved ones at what is already an emotional time. Even if you don’t think you have much, it is still important to think about writing a will.

Click the button below to download our guide to writing your will.

What happens if you don’t have a will?

If you don’t have a will, your money, belongings and property will be split up under the Rules of Intestacy. These are rules prepared by the government setting out who should inherit. This may have implications for your family.

60s elderly spouses at lawyer office sitting at desk hoary husband holding pen family ready sign marriage contract make legal formalities at notary, bequeath savings and property to children concept

Who inherits your property if you don't make a will?

You can find out more about what happens to your property if you don't leave a will on the UK government website.

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Need extra support writing your will?

You can get more information and advice on writing your will by visiting Citizens Advice.

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Can I leave my money to charities?

A legacy is a donation left to a charity in your will. It is a lasting gift, so the causes you feel passionate about in life can continue long into the future.

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