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Blogs from OneFamily's Leadership team

Read thought-provoking blogs from the senior team at OneFamily. We discuss the issues that affect your personal finances, your rights and what we're doing to positively impact our communities.

Happy couple working together using a laptop and calculator

Financial inclusion – turning surviving into thriving

The results of recent research by OneFamily for our annual Inspiring Better Futures Report made difficult reading.

Live authentically and sparkle everyday

OneFamily CEO, Teddy Nyahasha, reflects on the 50th anniversary of Pride in Brighton & Hove and the achievements of LGBTQ+ trailblazers.

Could Consumer Duty help release savings that are strangled with red tape?

Consumer Duty may not always work in the best interests of young people who don’t have mental capacity to access their own child trust funds.

Consumer Duty could be the gamechanger that we all need

Consumer Duty is likely to reach public awareness this year as the FCA steps up its communications campaign.

Teddy Nyahasha

OneFamily CEO recognised as influential Black role model

We are very proud of our CEO Teddy Nyahasha for being named in The Powerlist 2023, which celebrates the UK’s influential black role models.

Family smiling for the camera with a beagle dog

Breaking down the barriers to financial inclusion

OneFamily has acquired Beagle Street – a company that specialises in low cost, simple to purchase life and critical illness insurance.

Aerial view of Liverpool buildings

Boldness, creativity and a mutual mindset – the driving force that’s needed right now

Mutuals were the original crowd-funders – helping members provide for the future, regardless of their financial position.

A father and son sit at a table while looking at a tablet, laughing together.

Hope for families whose children have mental incapacity

There’s some hope for the families of young adults who do not have the mental capacity to manage their financial affairs in the form of a Government consultation that has recently been launched.

Financial inclusion – simple products and education

Financial inclusion – simple products and education In my previous article, I asked the question “why don’t smaller […]

A mother and daughter standing side by side, laughing. A golden sky sets behind them.

My letter to the Chancellor

Our CEO, Teddy Nyahasha, has written to the Chancellor of the Exchequer.