Home > About us > Sustainability Disclosure Document: OneFamily Global Equity Fund

Sustainability Disclosure Document: OneFamily Global Equity Fund

This document provides you with information about this investment product. It is not marketing material. The information is required by law to help you understand the nature, investment strategy and sustainability aspects of this product to help you compare it with other products.

Sustainability Disclosure Document


This product is the OneFamily Global Equity Fund (ISIN: GB00BD940N66), which is a non UCITS Retail Investment Scheme. The manufacturer of the product is Family Investment Management Limited.

Call 0344 8920 920* for more information.

Family Investment Management Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. The fund manager is Family Investment Management Limited.

This document is correct as at 2nd December 2024.


UK Sustainable Investment Labels have been introduced to help investors find products that have a specific sustainability goal, although not every fund that uses sustainable criteria qualifies for these labels. Because the way it invests doesn’t exactly align with the definition used for these labels, this product doesn’t have a UK Sustainable Investment Label.

Although the OneFamily Global Equity Fund doesn’t have a UK sustainable investment label, the fund still has a climate focus as it takes into consideration the sustainability credentials of companies when selecting where to invest.

Our climate-focused approach

The more companies do to reduce their impact on the environment, the more likely it is this fund will invest in them.

That's because the fund's approach to selecting company shares involves, not only assessing their current business impacts, but also looking at what they're doing to adapt their business models to reduce future environmental impact.

Robust criteria

Our fund managers assess and score 1,500-2,000 companies that form the MSCI World Index, based on multiple climate-focused criteria:

  • Carbon intensity
  • Fossil fuel reserves
  • Brown revenues
  • ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) risks
  • Green revenues
  • Adaptation score - action plans for reducing future impact on the environment.

After applying these criteria, typically more than half of the companies from the index are excluded from the fund, so only those that score the highest remain. See “Sustainability metrics” section for more detail.

The fund’s exclusion criteria will naturally filter out more of the companies in the most polluting sectors (like energy and mining), although some of the best within these sectors will remain, as they will have demonstrated robust plans to adapt their business models to reduce their future impact on the environment.

Regular monitoring

Companies must keep striving to be sustainable too. Companies in the MSCI World Index are scored four times a year ensuring your money will only invest in the highest scoring company shares.

Potential for higher returns

We believe our climate-focused approach should result in better returns for our customers as we will only invest in the best, most forward-thinking businesses from around the world. Of course, returns aren’t guaranteed, and your investment can go down as well as up.

Sustainability metrics

Carbon Intensity


Fossil Fuel Reserves


Brown Revenues


ESG Risks


Green Revenues


Resilient Portfolio


powerplant icon Oil barrel icon Drilling icon Warning icon Wind farm icon Umbrella icon
Target: -70% Target: -90% Target: -90% Target: -100% Target: +300% Target: +0.25 score
Tonnes CO2 per million US$ revenue Fossil fuel reserves CO2 emissions (m tonnes) Brown revenue (%) Excluded based on criteria Green revenue (%) Adaptation score on climate change preparedness (score range 0-1)
Greenhouse gas emissions over which the company has direct control or derives from direct suppliers Total embedded greenhouse gas emissions for the company in that financial year Percentage of revenues from "brown sectors" (extractive sectors with high carbon emissions)
  • UN Compact Principles (violation)
  • Swedish Ethical Council
  • Severe ESG controversies

Involvement 10%+ of revenue:

  • Controversial weapons
  • Thermal coal
  • Arctic oil and gas
  • Oil sands
Percentage of revenues from green or low-carbon technology products/business
  1. Position on climate change
  2. Greenhouse gas reduction action plans
  3. Disclosure of climate change risks and mitigation strategy

How can I complain?

If you want to make a complaint about the product or Family Investment Management Limited, please contact us and we will do what we can to resolve your complaint as quickly as possible. When we first write to you, we will send you a summary of the procedures that we will follow when resolving your complaint.

You can also find these procedures on our website, or you can contact us to request a copy at any time.
To contact us call us on 0344 8 920 920* or write to us at:

16-17 West Street,
Brighton BN1 2RL

You can also visit onefamily.com/complaints.

If you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint, you may be able to refer it to the Financial Ombudsman Service. Making a complaint won’t affect your legal rights.

Other relevant information

You can find more information about the fund in the Fund Factsheet, Key Information Document and Prospectus which are all available here - onefamily.com/help/fund-information/.

This document is reviewed every 12 months.

*Call centre is open Monday to Friday 9am – 7pm, and on Saturdays 9am – 1pm, UK time. Calls may be recorded and monitored for training purposes. Please note, OneFamily can't give financial advice.