Who can open a junior ISA?
You must be a legal guardian in order to open a junior ISA for a child. It’s a great way to save for a young person’s future and help them along the road to financial stability.
Although only a parent or legal guardian can open a junior ISA, they’re not the only ones who can help save for a young person’s future.
Can a grandparent open a junior ISA for their grandchild?
Only someone with "parental responsibility" can open a junior ISA for a child, meaning that a grandparent could only open a junior ISA for their grandchild if they are their legal guardian. Otherwise, grandparents will not be able to open a junior ISA account, but grandparents can still contribute to their grandchildren’s future by paying into a junior ISA that a parent has set up.
If you are not the child’s parent or legal guardian but would like to set up a savings account for them, our Junior Bond is a Tax-Exempt Savings Plan that allows you to save for them over a fixed term of 10 to 25 years, with a cash lump sum paid to the child when the policy matures.
Who can pay into a junior ISA?
If you’ve decided to open a junior ISA for your child, you’ll be able to pay money straight in. But did you know that once it’s set up, anyone can pay into the junior ISA account?
All you have to do is provide them with the account number of the junior ISA you want them to pay into, along with the child’s date of birth. If it’s a OneFamily Junior ISA, we even have a helpful ‘Making a payment’ page, where they can easily pay in online.
That means whether you’re a grandparent wanting to pay into a junior ISA for your grandchild, an aunt wanting to pay in money for your niece, or just a family friend wanting to contribute, it’s easy to do so.
How much can you pay into a junior ISA?
Each tax year, up to a maximum total of £9,000 can be paid into junior ISA accounts under a child's name, by yourself and others. If the child has both a cash and a stocks and shares junior ISA, that allowance is shared between both accounts.
How do I pay into a OneFamily Junior ISA?
Once you have opened your child’s Junior ISA with us, paying into it is easy. You can pay into a OneFamily Junior ISA in any of the following ways:
- Direct Debit (online, over the phone or using a paper form posted to us)
- Cheque
- Bank Transfer or Standing Order
- KidStart
If your child's junior ISA is with another provider, your options for paying into it may be different.
Does the government pay money into a junior ISA?
The government does not pay money into most junior ISAs (there are some exceptions for children in care). This type of ISA is purely for saving and investment for a child’s future, maturing when they turn 18 years old.
This differs from products like the lifetime ISA, which the government will pay into if you hit certain saving criteria, but is only available from age 18 to 39. It can then only be redeemed for the purposes of buying a first home, or on retirement, otherwise you'll have to pay a government withdrawal charge.
The reason a junior ISA is such a good choice for young people is that the child won't pay any tax on the money they withdraw when they turn 18. This includes any money that's been put in, as well as any money the account has made from growth.
How many junior ISAs can you have?
You can open either a stocks and shares junior ISA, a cash junior ISA or both for your child. Once a junior ISA has been opened, you can then pay into that account as you see fit, and encourage others who would like to contribute to do so too.
When can a child access the money in their junior ISA?
A child with a junior ISA account in their name can only access their money when they turn 18. At this point, their junior ISA will automatically become an adult ISA (Matured Junior ISA) and it will no longer be possible to pay any money in. They'll then be able to choose to keep investing their money or withdraw it.
How to open a OneFamily Junior ISA
At OneFamily, we make opening a Junior ISA as simple as possible. All you need to do is fill out a form, choose how and when you would like to pay, and you're all set. Here are a few different ways you can set up a Junior ISA with us:

OneFamily Junior ISA
With our stocks and shares Junior ISA you can start investing from just £10 per month up to a maximum of £9,000 each year on behalf of a child. Anyone can pay in, and the child will gain access to the account once they are 18 years old.

Find out more about junior ISAs
What would you like to do next?
Start saving today
Your kids deserve a head start. Invest in your children's future with our stocks and shares Junior ISA for tax-free savings
Transfer a child trust fund or junior ISA
Transferring a child trust fund or junior ISA from another provider to OneFamily is simple and we don't charge you to do so.
Learn more about junior ISAs
Find out more about how a JISA can help you save for your child's future.